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Fairy Rings and Magical Things 3rd Annual Fairy Camp

Nature and Waldorf-inspired 4 Day Fairy Camp for 5 - 8 year olds. Will include elements of yoga, local herbs, storytelling, water-colour painting and other arts and of course lots of time in nature with the fairies.

To register, send a non-refundable deposit of $90 to with the age and name of your child.

As of July 7th there are 2 spots left.

Sending you Butterfly Kisses and Sparkly Wishes on this warm, wonderful Summer day.

Looking forward to being together, Fairy Blossom (Aka - Ms Monika)

Fairy House Creations

Fairy House Creations

Sending you Butterfly Kisses and Sparkly Wishes on this warm, wonderful Summer day.

Looking forward to being together, Fairy Blossom (Aka - Ms Monika)