Happy Now - Celebrate "the Reverse Gap"

I love the concept of the Reverse Gap as an entrepreneur. It helps me to feel joy right here and right now - helps me be present in gratitude. Here's my tendency before learning this - I would look forward and dream about and set intentions and visualize myself with my next goal/project/contribution to the world complete and out there - dream of having this or that thing, experience …. looking forward. I still do this, but I do something else too - I "Reverse Gap it". Vishen from Mind Valley taught me this. I take as much time glancing back as looking forward - celebrating where I've come from and my successes. This doesn't come naturally to me so I have it as a ritual - takes a minute. Why don't you do it now - think about where you were 6 months ago, 1 year ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago and all you've learned and are proud of  - all you have right now that you are grateful for. These days as I have been through a major life transition where sometimes (ok often!) I have felt impatient and stuck I just go back 6 months - 1 year - to the beginning of the transition and marvel at the journey and how the little things add up. It really evokes a feeling of gratitude and turns up the volume of my inner cheerleader who in my lifetime has often been muffled out by my inner critic. No more I say. Looking back  to see where we've come and how much we've learned is a great way to celebrate yourself and your life and be grateful and HAPPY now. (-: What are you grateful for - truly - right now - it can be small - just feel it to your bones ...

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