Eurythmy Dance Movement for Centering and Bliss in Grownups

"When we can move together there's a different relationship, a deeper knowing of each other."

This last Summer Solstice Weekend was a very nourishing weekend for me - moving together was a predominant theme. Friday night improv dance and voice with VocalMotion here in Canmore, Saturday night in nature hiking to the lake and Sunday a women's circle and Eurythmy Movement Intro class. My dear friend Holly gave me a series of Eurythmy movements when I was going through a very deep depression and it made a lasting impression on me. Of all the techniques I have learned to centre and ground and come to the present moment in a state of strength and inner joy/peace this landed most firmly for me. Its simplicity deceived me and on my journey to rise out of the darkness I overlooked its potency. 

"Not this, not this, not this, … this!"

We all have a medicine that resonates with us and feeds our soul and probably for some of us it changes throughout our lifetime - its great to find those- to feel and find- those that resonate with us. For many it is meditation, others sports, nature, others art … I have benefitted from all these. The artistic movements of eurythmy are worth experiencing  - playful, soulful, grounding --- drops me out of my mind's chatter into the simplicity and pleasure of the moment and my body. 

Alberta has a non-Profit organization Auriel Eurythmy which offers a Eurythmy Training Program. If you love movement and poetry and anthroposophy this Art Form combines this all and more. It is a healing Art restoring balance to the body, mind and spirit. 

Interested in learning a Eurythmy form as a mindfulness practice? It’s kind of like a combo of Tai Chi and lyrical dance and the movement is often to soulful poetry. Next naturopathic visit ask me to teach you one. I’d be delighted to support your mindful movement, presence and health with one of these forms.

May you be well, joyful and at peace, xo, Dr. Monika

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