CALM: Menstrual Awareness as a Game changer for Energy, Clarity, Calm & Women's Wellness: Link to Tracker




The 3 keys to adrenal gland and hormonal wellness from a lifestyle perspective. These sound so darn simple but in today’s busy world filled with lots of distractions and calls for our energy and time it often has to be a very conscious effort to get these into our lifestyle.

Naturopathically there are many effective ways to support our adrenal glands (these resiliency glands that when balanced have us feeling energized, calm and balanced). Sometimes good herbal and nutritional formulas are enough to temporarily replenish them when we feel overwhelmed and pooped but I find that if the root hasn’t been addressed it is not enough.

The root cause could be a way of daily thinking, eating or living. Working with the daily habits is an important piece of long term health.

For ambitious, creative mothers, leaders and women in general, working and living out of a foundation of self-connection and inner knowing is actually key to sharing their gifts and light with the world without burning out.

OK but how do we actually do that?

So glad you asked! One powerful piece is to connect with our cyclical nature as women - whether we are having a period or not.

Men have VERY different hormonal rhythms than women. This may seem obvious but what isn't commonly recognized is that most women are working in accordance with the male hormonal rhythm ... in leadership, work and in mothering ... basically in life. This is costing us our health, joy, spark and true self of confidence.

As a Naturopathic Doctor who supports women with low energy, overwhelm, menstrual irregularities, anxiety, PMS, peri-menopause imbalances (and other symptoms of the adrenal glands needing help) I have seen that this masculine driven road leads to burnout in women. It is just not aligned with how we are made.

This evening Yoga & Learn with Dr. Monika will introduce you to the gifts of the feminine and of our cyclical (non-linear) hormonal nature. You'll learn how to work with your menstrual cycle or the lunar cycle in a practical, simple way that informs the other aspects of your work, mothering and life so you can enjoy a more easeful, healthy and sustainable way to share your gifts and shine your light in the world!

The evening will include some restorative women’s wellness yoga nidra so please bring a yoga mat, a pillow, eye pillow (if you have) and blanket and a journal and pen for notes. xo

And if you have daughters you can pass on this wisdom to them!

Not having a regular period for whatever reason? Still come! Your nature continues to be cyclical whether you are still bleeding regularly or not.

And if you have daughters you can pass on this wisdom to them! The game changing piece of cycle awareness is that we can build our habits in a way that aligns with the cyclical feeling wise beings we are. Looking at the bigger cycles of nature and our monthly menstrual cycle allows us to, as a friend of mine pointed out, “fine-tune things with a ‘done-4-you’ pattern to draw on! “

Working with and understanding our cyclical nature is a simple, potent way to be held by an age old, sustainable, universal pattern that honors our need for both self-care and the outward contribution of sharing of our gifts and light. . These cycles hold a lot of practical wisdom in touching into a sustainable rhythm and deepened connection with ourselves.

Here’s a simple tracker to use as a guide to finding your unique rhythm within this ‘done-4-you’ rhythm that the Earth herself and women have been influenced from from the very beginning.