Read this if you are approaching 28, 35, 42 or 49 and feel an inner shift of sorts

From an energetic, spiritual perspective every 7 years humans go through a shift in consciousness.

The way we see and interact with the world shifts at these times - for most of us without our conscious knowing.

It is easy for us to see these 7 year shifts in the younger years when it’s pretty obvious that we are in a different relationship with the world at birth compared to age 7, 7 compared to 14 and 14 compared to 21.

If you reflect on it you might notice that it’s not simply that we have had more life experience at every shift. The physical changes in our body hormonally and nervous system wise through the brain developing and restructuring are significant and this in part changes the way we are in the world and with ourselves.

Change and growth is constant in these younger years and knowing about the internal changes in consciousness during the first 21 years is helpful for parents wanting to be able to support and understand their children and really meet them where they are at.

What I’ve learned is that these 7 year shifts continue all our life. Knowing this has helped when a client comes in at one of these shifts feeling lost, out of sorts, maybe overwhelmed or confused.

Often what she/he used to do to feel well/make his/her life work isn’t working or their patterns in relationship are kinda falling apart. These transitions are a time of reseting as we evolve in the direction of our full potential and true freedom to be who we came to be .

At these transitions things can come up from the past to be healed so we can move forward in our life with a more open fearless heart. Old beliefs that served their purpose but are now limiting growth often come up to be cleared or amended so the path forward can be more in alignment with creating what is truest and most beautiful to us in our lives at the deepest level rather then living and creating based on the hopes and dreams of others or society for us.

There is a actually a lot of energy and power at these times when used consciously to support these shifts. Understanding it can help us hold ourselves with extra kindness and care in these times and meet what is coming up emotionally to be released in a way that leaves us lighter and clearer and energized.

The most potent and often intense adult transitions come - in my experience - at 42 and 49. Whenever a client comes in feeling lost or in the middle of a perfect storm I glance at their date of birth on their chart and more often than not they are at the cusp of one of the 7 year change points!

This shift for women is often happening just as the brain is being rewired hormonally with the shifts in the endocrine system. From a spiritual perspective what can be challenging for women at this time is the feeling of being alone and that life is calling for something from them in terms of a change but they might not be sure of the what or the how. Some women experience a particular type of anxiety called ‘soul anxiety’ at this time.

Having someone to support you to reconnect with yourself, your heart, your wisdom so you can transition with more ease and playfulness, purpose and power through this time is a great gift for yourself.

Someone who can see the hot mess for what it is: a rite of passage into a the more truer beautiful version of yourself.

These shifts can be a little or bigger inner dismantling/decluttering/transforming of what isn’t helpful anymore on your path. (It’s actually good!)

Letting whatever is ready to burn burn and whatever is ready to be let go release so you can move past limits and spread and see the colours of your wings!

Have your support person be someone you feel safe with and not judged. Someone who can hold space for you to meet and let move through what’s coming up. It can be a coach, yoga therapist, theta belief healer or other practitioner or counsellor who knows how to work with body, mind, energy and emotion.

If you would like my support I incorporate a blend of naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, yoga coaching, feminine power principles and energetic transformation work to help women connect to themselves, their dreams, their voice and their joy so they can live as powerful creators in their lives.