The Difference That Makes The Difference

I am here for you.

To comfort you, to love you, to celebrate you, to support you.

I am not going anywhere my love.

I am sorry for all the times you have been alone with your big feelings.

I won’t let you be alone EVER again.

AND here’s what my new commitment is to you dearest One.

I commit to learn to love you and care for you ever more deeply as we journey on. To discover the ways you most easily open yourself to this LOVE. To get the support wherever my capacity hasn’t grown to hold any part of you YET.

To give us both permission to do this growing of our relationship messily, imperfectly and brilliantly .

I am sorry for each and every time I have in the past, present or future met your feelings with irritation, anger, impatience, judgment, solutions.

Or not at all.

I’m learning and growing. We both are aren’t we?

The deeper truth is that your very existence is and has always been worthy of every manner of love, support, comfort, kindness.

No matter what.


I am not ashamed of you. I am in awe of you.

Over these years I have been learning to love you.

To look at you with eyes of a deepening, tender love more regularly … to be with your pain and your joy.

To hold you, as I allow myself to be held, in the lap of the Mother of all.

I have seen the comfort that has given you and I love our connection.


There’s something I haven’t done for you that is now calling me.

Calling me with the fierceness and love of a black cougar mama for her cub.

It’s about the things you believe are true about you.


That aren’t.

I am no longer going to stand and watch you carry the old programs of separation, lack and shame on your sweet strong back.

How? Not sure. For me the mama cougar’s absence of doubt is what I will allow to carry me through this discovery.

I am sorry I have been loving you without pointing out these decaying bundles that have weighed heavy on your spirit …that have turned you away from the TRUTH of your heart, your love, your beauty, your magic, YOU.

These served you when knowing ANY truth felt better than knowing YOUR truth.

That time is over.

You don’t need to trust me or believe this or anything.

Just wanted you to know we’re heading on a new little adventure together.

And we’re packing LIGHT.