We Shine Feminine Power Women's Circle: Deepening the Gifts of the Feminine in Our Lives (Monthly Connection and Expansion Circle)

I have been hearing the call to gather and keep integrating and embodying the feminine power tools and way of being into our lives! Repetition and practice are key and both nourishing, funner and richer to do together. ❤️

Who This is For

This is for those of you who love the feminine power work and would like a monthly touch-in and re-activation/deepening to support you in continuing to bring the beauty and potency of the tools and practices (feminine power/presence/growth mindset) into your lives..

It is for women who have taken the feminine power breakthrough workshop and enjoy the support and joy of learning and growing and sharing in sisterhood and deepening into this way of living and connecting and creating.

The breakthrough weekend opens up new possubility and having a place to refresh the teachings, to practice, to be supported and to go deeper in a practical way is often super helpful! Living in today’s world it’s easy to fall into old patterns or find ourselves not prioritizing what is on our hearts or feeling alone in our evolving. Having a container/regular touchstone within the powerful feminine power agreements can support us in expanding into new possibilities and bringing more presence and feeling of connection in our lives.


The intention in the simplest phrasing is to (as my friend said), “to keep it going!❤️” Honestly we have SUCH ncredible women activated to a new level from engaging the weekend training and it feels crazy not to some simple space for continued expansion and embodiment of the work together.

What will we do?

During our time together we will explore a tool/practice together and play with it for the month. Since what we are mainly doing is shifting awareness and questions are such a powerful way to do this I imagine us leaving some sessions for example with a post-it with a question to be playing with. My intention is to keep this offering very simple and doable!🦋


A format came together last week while talking with a friend.

One Monday Morning (2 hours) Per Month for 6 Months (closest Monday to the Full Moon - list of dates may be adjusted based on the group)

9:00 am - 10:30/11: 00 am

If you love this but Mondays don’t work let me know so I can respond top what you all need best. 😍

Is it online or in person?

You can choose your own adventure as to whether you prefer online or In person - both options will be available and we will roll with the groups needs.


Feminine Power Graduates: $444 (Email to growingmamalove@gmail.com

The theme and tool/practice will be shared if a day is missed - hopefully you can come to all either in-person or virtually!✔️

Any questions, let me know! xo, Dr. Monika 🧚‍♀️

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