Brain Health: Theta Healing to Rewire Limiting Beliefs You've Outgrown ... Game changer.

"Out with the old, in with the true." Jeff Brown

The body is designed to be self-healing. It naturally wants to go in the direction of wellness and balance. As an ND part of the way I am trained is to look for what is getting in the way of that natural internal self-healing force. Maybe it’s physically on the food or nutrient level and maybe it’s on the emotional level tied into certain daily stresses that are straining the body’s resources/resiliency. We are made of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects so I look at all these when someone is wanting to get to a better level of health and energy.

The brain is the control center for optimal health and when we change brain function, it changes everything. When the brain is working optimally the immune, detoxification, digestive and endocrine systems can function optimally as well.

Increasingly in science we are getting clearer about the impact of the brain and nervous system and stress on us AND how we can work with the brain to create wellness. This is through consciously rewiring the brain to thoughts (and as a result actions) that are aligned with the deeper truths of who we are as powerful creators.

The thoughts we tell ourselves create a real tangible effect on the chemistry in our body and work for or against us in creating the life and level of health we truly desire. Often thoughts that are getting in the way of us creating the positive changes we desire in our lives are sometimes not obvious to us. These are like blind spots (we all have them) and not knowing these can create a lot of frustration from unfulfilled goals/lack of forward motion. It can feel powerless and we can feel stuck in a rut.

In Theta healing there is a technique simply called “Digging” that helps a client uncover what subconscious beliefs are at play in getting in the way of the shift in health, finances or relationships that the individual is desiring to make.

When we know what the beliefs are we can shift them!

I brought Theta healing in my practice because I realized that some changes that clients truly would like to have happen don’t happen because of a limiting belief that is stopping them from moving forward. If you are having a hard time doing the things you know would lead you closer to the most beautiful and true version you have for you and your life come in and let’s explore it with some coaching on the brain/belief level.

To your health and happiness, xo, Dr. Monika


Dr. Monika Herwig ND is a Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, Yoga Nidra and Yoga Therapy Facilitator, Theta Healer, and basically a mind-body medicine geek(!). She is a mother of 2, and a Trailblazer with Happy Healthy Women in Canmore, Alberta. Dr. Monika practices Mind-Body Medicine working with clients symptoms and health issues/goals through her signature wellness foundations program ‘Clear * Calm * Creative’. Adrenal, Gut, Hormonal and Mental Health/Mindset are key areas brought into better balance in this and Theta healing is one of the tools she uses. Dr. Monika supports heart-centered, ambitious women shine their light and share their gifts with the world without burning out through whole life health and a functional medicine approach to wellness. To book an appointment call (403) 609-8385 or go to