CLEAR: 3 Healthy Eating Tips to Get Those Vegetables In Ya!

In the CLEAR module of my Naturopathic Coaching Foundations 3 Part Program we work on creating space, releasing what we don’t need and getting the foundations of gut health and detoxification sorted out. This foundation is important and the food piece can be challenging at first as we have our default habits including which things we throw into our grocery carts.

When you are just starting out it helps to have some healthy foods that don’t go bad and that can be prepared quickly around.

Here are 3 ideas to support you in being successful with creating the daily challenges that will lead to a healthier you.

  1. Frozen Veggies and Berries: Here’s a picture of some of the frozen foods I keep on stock to help. Frozen vegetables are a good option especially in the winter months. Of course local and organic is best but these are a really good start and are all ones I am ok with and don’t seem to get freezer burn.

Squash, kale, sweet potatoes, cauliflower rice, avocado, blackberries. Pick a couple to try this week!


2. Pick up a Greens supplement and have some on the daily. I find, especially in the winter months and with people with a lot on the go, that having some simple health hacks to increase nutrient intake without a lot of effort is gold.

There are many products out there! These days I am using Genuine Health’s Fermented Greens Powder and Prime Chlorella’s Powder (you can get this in tablet form too). My teenagers add it to an organic juice to make it more palatable. We don’t drink juice regularly so this increases the appeal in taking it! (-: You can add it to smoothies as well.

3. Have a standing order of veggies you love once a week with your local Farm Box or a company like If you use this referral code with CRCAL-HERMOB you receive $30 off your first order!

Try at least one of these suggestions this week as you step by step create foundations for eating well that are easy and sustainable.

To healthy, delicious eating that makes you feel at your best mind, body and spirit!



Dr. Monika Herwig ND is a Naturopathic Doctor, mother of 2, Yoga Body Psychology and Yoga Nidra Sleep Therapist and a Trailblazer with Happy Healthy Women in Canmore, Alberta. She practices Mind-Body Medicine especially around optimizing Adrenal, Gut, Hormone and Brain Health in her clinic and leads Wellness Workshops and Restorative Retreats locally and internationally. Dr. Monika coaches individuals who are really ready to take charge of their health and to address their symptoms naturally and at the root cause level.

To support the next generation, Dr. Monika has created wellness programs for conscious heart-centered mothers so they can have the energy, clarity, calm and confidence to shine their light and share their gifts with the world in an aligned, health sustaining way (ie. without burning out!) while nourishing the relationships and things that matter most to them.

To book an appointment to see if Dr. Monika can help you reach your wellness goals go to or call (403) 609-8385 and speak with Joyce or Jill.