Root Chakra (#1 Chakra) - Safety, Belonging

This Chakra Series is to support those engaging in the Yoga Therapy Chakra work, the 9 Month Women’s Empowerment Program or those visiting the 7 Sacred Chakra Sites in the Canadian Rocky Mountains!🦋

The root chakra is the first of the seven chakras. It is the ground floor of your chakra system, located at the base of your spine and associated with the colour red. Some of it's corresponding body areas and organs are the pelvic nerve plexus, the last 3 vertebrae, the anus, large intestine, feet and legs.

At the end of the day the Root Chakra when balanced has you feeling grounded, present, relaxed, connected and capable. It gives you the foundation and sense of safety and confidence to try new things, grow and evolve.

Chakra 1 is the energetic and physical foundation and home (when balanced) of a sense of belonging, safety, trust/confidence and connection with ourselves, our bodies, others and the Earth. This Chakra has shifted from being about surviving to thriving, aligning with the truth of the abundance of support available to us from the Earth herself as well as from life and friends and family. It helps us stand in the truth of who we are. Moving us into a sense of enough vs lack is the signature of this Chakra in terms of support for our needs physically (health, money, shelter).

First chakra stones/gems - anything red or hematite

The root chakra is associated with the colour red so wearing/bringing into your environment red can be supportive of this energy center.

The first chakra is rooted around a sense of belonging, feeling supported and grounded, feeling safe, having your needs met, being embodied. The 2 areas of life it influences are Physical Health and Prosperity. Health and Wealth!

Some ideas for First Chakra support include these tips:

1. Drink plenty of water. This Chakra is connected to the physical body and the health of that - what you eat and drink can really support the health of this and all the Chakras.

2. Eat root vegetables like beets or sweet potatoes, and red or dark things like cherries etc.

3. Connect with nature and the Earth - this can be walking barefoot, sitting against a tree, swimming, connecting with your food and where it comes from. Being present in nature is a great way to ground in the moment in your body - tuning into your senses bring your awareness to what you hear, smell, the feeling of the wind on your skin, the feel of the ground under your feet. “I am here” is a simple, effective grounding mantra.

4. Anything you do with your feet supports bringing energy and balance to the Root Chakra - massaging it with sesame oil or another good quality oil is helpful and if you’d like to improve your sleep then doing this before bed is excellent. Essential Oils of Cedarwood, Vetiver and Frankincense help rebalance the Root specifically.

5. Feel what you are feeling with curiosity. Shifting beliefs in the chakras can affect the release of stuck energy. Being present with yourself helps the old energy complete.

6. Reflect on all the ways you are supported in your life and write them down in your journal.

7. Try a yoga practice specific to this chakra (lots on the internet).

There are several ways you can clear out beliefs in the chakras. The subconscious beliefs about ourselves and the world that we created before the age of 7 show up in this chakra's field. Clearing out the ones that are limiting our current growth and bringing in a belief that’s aligned with our growth and desires is key to evolve/expand into new positive possibilities for our lives. I find that connecting to a deeper truth or higher level understandings helps.

Power Practice from Energetic Healer Carol Tuttle to Clear Old, Limiting Beliefs:

Remove old limiting beliefs and bring in new empowering decisions. After clearing the old (fear, resentment, shame and struggle stories), pick and repeat whichever of the following affirmations resonate while rotating your hand slowly to the left (clockwise) over your 1st chakra. This can support physically activating these truths. Add any others you like. When Muladhara is in balance, you feel strong and confident; you can stand up on your own two feet and take care of yourself.

Thank you, Creator, God, Divine, Universe; (start with gratitude)

Wherever I am, I am safe and cared for
I am safe, grounded and connected in this moment
I am supported by the earth
The universe has my back and is guiding me
I receive the support I need
Life provides abundantly for me
I am free to move forward with joy
I am safe to align with others and I am supported to be free
I am experiencing that I belong and I am loved
I am free to create differently than my family
I am rich in all areas of my life

Life flows gracefully and easily for me
I am grounded in truth
It is safe to be powerful

I start and complete things easily
My friends and family understand and support me enough

Place your hand over the root chakra, near pubic bone, and move your hand in a circular counter-clockwise direction saying aloud the limiting beliefs you are wanting to let go of; old beliefs can be cleared by moving the hand counterclockwise, unwinding and releasing.

Now, you can reaffirm and bring in new beliefs, or empowered decisions, you want to bring in simply by saying them while moving your hand clockwise over the root chakra. Generally it is easy to clear an old belief and doing the clearing once is enough but bringing in a new belief is something that benefits from repetition and from taking actual actions in your life that aligns wit the new belief.

To support the strength and health of the root chakra you can also combine affirmations with yoga poses or try holding one of your root chakra stones while saying an affirmation. Some people like to write affirmations down, placing them in a prominent place as they continue daily chakra work.

Focus on integrating the chakra clearing and balancing for Chakra. Take the time to bring in the learnings and any Earth connection practices you enjoy/that ground you in your body and the now - in addition to the ones above drumming and dancing are wonderful as are other physical, embodiment activities such as weightlifting, certain yoga poses like the tree or goddess and anything that engages the pelvic floor. Pick what brings you joy to honour the divine feminine and your heart.

The Yoga Therapy sequence for the Root Chakra that I offer in clinic is incredibly powerful at moving stuck, old energy from this area in a deep, gentle way. If you’d like to have an experience of this type of treatment you can call the clinic to book in - (403) 678-7901.🦋