Sacral Chakra (#2) - Sweetness of Life, Ease

This blog is to support your Yoga Therapy sessions, the 9 month Women’s Empowerment, Joy and Well-being Journey and those in the Canadian Rocky Mountain 7 Sacred Site Chakra Journey (Soulventure!).

This second Chakra is key in creativity, connecting to play and joy and sensuality. The ovaries and uterus is here and the adrenal glands are connected to this area (our stress glands). Limiting beliefs are huge for women in this area and balancing and healing it really affects our energy, libido as well as creativity. This Chakra is associated with the Divine Feminine and receptivity.

Water is the Element of our Sacral Chakra; it’s an opportunity to be fluid, go with the flow and chose joy!

Some ways to continue to keep the Sacral Chakra balanced and vital:

• Do more of what makes you happy ... what makes you feel beautiful in the doing of it ... what brings you in your body in joy!

• Prioritize pleasure — the things that make you say, “Mmmmm” or “Ahhhhh” ♥ So good for the adrenal glands and whole female hormonal system. Simple things add up - slow down and feel the warmth of the Sun, a hand in your hand, your relaxed breath.

• Play, be creative in a way you enjoy. Anything with water supports this chakra.
• Wear orange, buy orange flowers, eat orange foods, visualize orange below your belly button. Colors have a vibration and Chakra 2 is orange. Have fun optimizing your health!
• Let go of what is ready to go. Water helps the letting go - enjoying an end of day warm shower or lovely bath is a simple way to reset.
• Certain Yoga poses like pigeon - good gentle stretch to support release.
• Essential oils - orange, jasmine, ylang ylang
• Buy orange underwear!
• Gems such as Citrine - stones with red, orange or yellow are supportive

• Increase awareness of your five senses – this is the chakra of sensuality! What are your hearing, feeling, tasting, sensing, touching?

Recap of key Chakra 2 points :

- The second chakra or svadhisthana chakra literally translates to sweetness or ease ... “one’s own place”. The joy of being present in our bodies, in the moment, in relationships and in our senses.
- It is a potent feminine power center (sacrum = ‘sacred bone’) and is related to our ability to create and birth new things in our life as well as engaging change with ease, joy and a sense of adventure and fun.

- When this center is out of alignment we feel over serious and fearful of change. We are standing at the banks of the river of our life instead of jumping in and trusting ourselves and the flow of life to carry us.

- Tuning into and trusting our bodies and emotions keep us safe and on track to creating and enjoying our lives. Following what brings us joy is the simplest way to step into the goodness and gifts of this chakra and keep the organs here (ovaries, adrenal glands, pelvis, lower abdomen) healthy and energy flowing well.

- The sacral chakra is all about desire, creativity, sexuality, sensuality, joy and creation.

SACRAL (2nd) CHAKRA AFFIRMATIONS: (uncrossed legs)
After clearing the old (fear, resentment, shame and struggle stories), pick and repeat whichever of the following affirmations resonate while rotating your hand slowly to the left (clockwise) over your 2nd chakra. This can support physically activating these truths. Add any others you like.

Thank you, Creator, God, Divine, Universe; (start with gratitude)

I am worthy of love; I am cherished for who I am: I prioritize joy in my life; I am in the flow of life;
I am a channel of joy in the world;
My one-on-one relationships are deeply fulfilling; I embrace my sexuality/sensuality;

I easily give and receive;
I have the power to birth a lot of cool things and I do;
Pleasure comes to me in many ways;
I am allowing my creative energies to make a difference in my life and the lives of others; I am deserving of all of life's blessings and I am receiving them now;
The deepest, most vulnerable parts of me are wanted, welcomed, and loved;
It’s safe to ask for what I need and to have my needs met;
I am totally me in relationships; it’s safe, fun & nourishing being me;
Relationships are safe;
Sex is safe, spiritual and sacred;
I am safe enjoying sex;
I am grateful for this body as it is now;
I am comfortable in my body;
I am allowing nurturing and comfort;
I take care of my body;
I find myself nurturing myself with loving words and feelings;
Relationships are a joy;
It is safe to be joyful;
It’s safe to feel whatever I am feeling;
I trust my feelings and my body;
I love my body just as it is;
I am connected to the sweetness of my life;
I value rest;

I feel at home in my body;
I am a powerful, loving creator of good in my life and in the world;
I attract people in my life who support me and love me;
I am grateful my 2nd chakra is now clear and balanced helping me create a better life.

You can put this list by your bed and repeat these affirmations every day (the ones that resonate with you) to further activate the energy of your 2nd chakra in the way you’d like. You can also combine affirmations with yoga poses or try holding one of your sacral chakra stones while saying an affirmation. Some people also like to write affirmations down, placing them in a prominent place as they continue daily chakra work. These exercises will shift the experiences of your life related to this chakra.

Repetition deepens the neural grooves. How much joy can you hold/experience? This is what we are expanding. We all have a set point for happiness ... an inner glass ceiling for how much joy we allow ourselves to experience. Doing this expands that capacity raising our set point for happiness.