FAVE Home Remedy For Easing Chest Congestion

There are many herbal and homeopathic medicines that work well when there is lung congestion. Supplement-wise NAC is also a note-worthy remedy to take acutely to decrease mucous buildup.

Today however the spotlight isn’t on these!

Today I want to share something with you that will cost you next to nothing and that has been used effectively for lung health for a long time …

The Humble Mustard Pack! 🙌♥️

When placed over the chest, a mustard pack will increase local circulation stimulating the lungs to expectorate, or loosen up a tight chest and dry cough.

Time wise don’t leave the pack on longer than 10 minutes for a child over 6 years old or 15-20 minutes for an adult and avoid sensitive tissues such as nipples. The first time you do it check the skin every few minutes removing the pack before the indicated time if there is irritation or the skin is getting a red glow. Some people’s skin is more sensitive and need a shorter time with the pack or the paste to have a decreased mustard to flour ratio.

This is a great treatment (!) - if you stay within the parameters and are mindful (i.e. don’t forget about it - which a friend of mine did do - he fell asleep with it on 😟) you will receive only the benefits!👍🙂


1.    Add 1-2 tablespoons of dry mustard (depending on its freshness and potency) to 1 cup flour. Mix dry ingredients together. Dried mustard that’s been in your spice drawer for years will be less potent than fresh mustard.

2.    Add enough hot water to make a paste.

3.    Spread mustard paste over a thin cloth and cover with another cloth, making a “mustard sandwich”. Cheesecloth or an old T-shirt works well.

4.    Place the cloth over the chest, covering it with a layer of plastic wrap. Place a hot water bottle over the top.

 This is such a simple powerful thing to do to support your recovery and comfort, let me know if you have any questions about it! 🙂

Wishing you well, xo, Dr. Monika


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