Simple Nut Milk Recipes for the Eco/Health Conscious Family

Glad you found this page ! There are so many great reasons to make your own nut milk …♥️

  • It costs a lot less

  • It’s the eco-choice as you skip the packaging

  • You get to decide the quality of the nuts and the amount of sweetener/extras (if any)

  • It’s kinda fun to do!

Here we go ….

  1. Cover 1 cup of almonds, hazelnuts or brazil nuts with water. Allow the nuts in water to sit overnight at room temperature.

  2. Rinse the nuts, discarding the water it was soaked in.

  3. In a blender, combine the nuts with 3 cups of water, a pinch of sea salt and anything you’d like to add to it for flavour (Examples include: 1tsp cinnamon, cardamon or ginger, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 2 soaked dates, a couple tsp honey or nothing!) and blend at high speed for 2 minutes or until smooth.

  4. Pour the mix through a nut milk bag or a fine meshed sieve with cheese cloth. I prefer the nut milk bags as it makes this step super simple, less messy and the bag is easy to clean and reuse indefinitely - you can buy these at your local health food store. 👍

Nut Milk Making Extras

  • Store the nut milk in the fridge and use in the next three days or so.

  • Shake the container before pouring as it can separate out a bit and this keeps it tasting tasty.

  • There are some nuts and seeds that don’t need to be soaked and are great to have in stock to whip up a batch in a pinch. These are macadamia nuts, cashews and hemp seeds. Follow the same instructions except with the hemp seeds 1/2 cup instead of 1 cup is used.

  • Use the pulp instead of tossing it. 🤸‍♂️There are lots of recipes you can include the pulp in - smoothies, baking - you’ll find many options if you google it!

Enjoy bringing this new simple, tasty habit into your life! xo, Dr. Monika

Dr. Monika Herwig + Naturopathic Doctor + Canmore + Mama Mentor

Would you like some one-on-one support/health coaching? Dr. Monika Herwig ND is a naturopathic doctor and mother of 2 who has been practicing in the Rocky Mountains of Canmore Alberta for over 20 years. She is available to support you with your health and life goals from a holistic, mind-body perspective - getting to the root of what is going on so you can live long and healthy and well!

Call (403) 609-8385 or click the booking link to set up a consultation (virtually or in person) at a time that works for you. She see clients on as as needed basis but also offers 3 month naturopathic coaching programs such as one called CLEAR where she works with clients to optimize detoxification, digestion and flow in the body and mind. These programs are customized to each individual taking time to focus on the root causes of feeling great and aging well and bringing in habits in a way that is supported and sustainable.

Dr. Monika and her team also hold restorative wellness retreats for women internationally to connect women to themselves and their creativity and joy and to create space for them in self-heal and replenish. She supports women to share their gifts and shine their light while staying healthy and avoiding burning out in the process! Next retreat is at Xinalni Eco Yoga Resort in Mexico November 14-21st, 2020. for info on this.