3 Wonderful Stories for Children (3-12 years old) Created To Support Families During These Times

Everyone’s situation is a little different these days but we are also going through something together with everyone. Stories are like medicine for children if you find ones that speak to you as a parent to share with your child. See if you resonate with either of these written during this time.

Even though these stories have a healing intention have your intention to share them not be to fix but to delight and love and transmit to your young children your trust and the knowing of your wisest self that ‘all is well’. Our joy and presence is a such gift to our kids. What I love about sharing story together is that it is a side-by-side activity that brings us together in wonder and imagination … where our bambinos live and breathe. ♥️

The first story - The Secret Prince - is written for 5-12 year olds (my 13 year old likes it). Even if your kids can read there’s something nice about being read to and this could be a nice tradition for this next month to take up with this book - to read a couple chapters per night from together.

There is a link at the end of this document for you to continue getting more Secret Prince chapters. That’s part of the fun of this one. The Waldorf Teacher who is writing it for children at this time releases 2 chapters per week - one Tuesday and one Thursday. I have got you caught up for now with this pdf but no need to binge it😅 - if you like the story it can be a simple thing for you to add to your evening to re-inspire your bedtime routine. PS - I think it’s an interesting story for children and I like it too! There are some sections where the author - she’s a teacher - brings math times tables in there through skipping that you ‘skip’ (haha) if you’d like/child is younger (adjust any story as you like!).

I hope you find something you enjoy from these. 🔆

May the care we take with our own and each others hearts right now be the catalyst that sees us emerge from this time well, happy and connected in a deeper way to ourselves, each other and life itself. ♥️

Hoping you are your family are well, xo, Dr. Monika

Second Story is called the Great Pause. See if you like it … I recorded me telling it here in this link 🌈…

Lastly, one for younger children (3-5) if you have some in the house … write-up and story rom Susan Perrow.

The Little Gnome Who Had to Stay Home

By Susan Perrow © 2020 www.susanperrow.com

This story was written for use with young children (suggested ages 3-5 years) who are required to stay home during the current C-19 pandemic, or who have had their freedom severely modified (e.g. perhaps they can attend school but can’t attend special assemblies, festivals, parties or events). The song at the end has been left open for teachers and parents to create more verses with ideas from the children. The story can be changed/edited to suit different situations – e.g. mother tree could be father tree or grandmother or grandfather tree, or you may want to omit the part about ‘gnome school’. The main character could also be changed (e.g. instead of using a gnome, the story could be about a mouse stuck in his little house, or a bird that must stay and rest in the nest).

Little gnome was confused.

Why did he have to stay home?

Didn’t everyone know how little gnomes love to roam!

He couldn’t go to gnome school, he couldn’t play with his friends in the forest, and his friends couldn’t visit him.

Little gnome was stuck in his tree-root home.

At least he could look out his window through the rocks and the tree roots.He was surprised that there was so much to see. Little ants were scurrying by, brightly colored beetles were climbing up and down the fallen leaves, and floppy eared rabbits were hopping in and out their burrows.

But even with all these things to watch, little gnome was growing impatient. Why did he have to keep on staying home? It didn’t make sense to him why he could not roam.

Then Mother Tree whispered to him:

“Things are not as they used to be - but trust me - soon you will be free - trust me, trust me.”

Little gnome knew in his heart that he could always trust Mother Tree.

Mother Tree carried the wisdom of the whole forest!

Mother Tree knew all about everything. The birds and the wind were her friends and messengers. They visited her every day, sharing the news of the big wide world.

Little gnome could hear when the birds came by. He could hear them singing high up in the branches of Mother Tree.

Little gnome could see when the wind was visiting. He could see the branches swaying this way and that. He sometimes had to close his window to keep out the leaves and dust stirred up by this busy friend!

Everyday Mother Tree continued to whisper to him:

“Things are not as they used to be - but trust me - soon you will be free - trust me, trust me.”

So little gnome had to trust, and little gnome had to wait. Soon he knew he would be free again to leave his home amongst the rocks and tree roots. Soon he knew he would be free to roam once again in the beautiful forest.

And while he waited, he was surprised how many things he could find to do in his cozy little tree root home.

Little gnome can dance

Little gnome can sing

Little gnome can paint and draw

And do somersaults across the floor.

Little gnome can dance

Little gnome can sing

Little gnome can clean and cook

And curl up with a picture book.

Little gnome can dance

Little gnome can sing

Little gnome can_________________(add what you’d like - something your child can do)

And ................................................ ( “ )

Little gnome can dance

Little gnome can sing

Little gnome can...............................

And ................................................

Little gnome can dance

Little gnome can sing

Little gnome can...............................

And ................................................

Note from Susan Perrow: “I have chosen to write this story with a 'mirroring' structure - the story simply reflects the situation and expands upon it with images that help share a message that is too strong to state directly with little children. I haven't promised any timeline because that would be irresponsible as no one knows it at this stage. The story’s aim is to encourage acceptance of the current ‘social distancing’ situation, and to help motivate the children to find and enjoy activities that they can do within the home.

For anyone new to ‘story medicine’, stories can help navigate the emotions that come with different kinds of loss and challenging situations. By allowing rather than resisting the truth, and by dressing it with the fabric of the imagination, stories can help the process of weaving the truth into everyday life, especially with young children.”

Monika Herwig + Naturopathic Doctor + Mama Wellness + Feminine Power + Storyteller

Looking for someone to support you and your family? Hi, I am Naturopathic Doctor and Mindful Mama Mentor and mom to 2 teens. For the last 20 years I have been working in different ways to help families thrive physically, mentally and emotionally.

I find myself often helping ambitious, caring women (mostly moms) 35-55 years old shine their light and share their gifts without burning out. I am beside them to get them feeling their best —- resolving nagging symptoms like PMS, digestive issues, headaches, low energy, overwhelm, low sex drive, abdominal weight gain and rekindling their connection to themselves and those they love.

FYI - We have a Mindful Mama Connection Facebook Page for those of you interested.

And in the Summer for the last 10 + years I offer one or two Fairy Nature Camps for kids 5-9 - initially just for my clients children but now for whoever signs up first! 🌷🍄 We will have 2 camps with 6 children per camp this year. We have a virtual fairy camp back up but so far it looks like we can be outside together.

Interested in connecting to see if I can support you and your fam? Click here …