Power Practice Support for Power Center#1 - Cultivating an Empowered Relationship With Self

This is a support resource blog for the women in the Feminine Power 9 Month Program and 1-on-1 Feminine Power Coaching. 👑

Hello powerful Creators … beloved, courageous, growth oriented women who believe in the beauty of your dreams and are committed to your well-being, joy and honouring what is most deeply important to you and your heart !

Here are some of the practices we have been working with in the context of the First Foundational Pillar: Empowered Relationship to Self. Cultivating this connection will allow you to be empowered and generative in the face of setbacks. This relationship gives us access to our creativity, our resources and the power to grow beyond our past limitations in an integrated, connected, loving way.

All of us need to strengthen this because within the outside-in system of power that we grew up in and live in our attention and orientation to the process of creating and sourcing power has been taking us into ways of being where we’re disconnected from ourselves.

Up until now it’s likely been rare to experience an empowered connection between the different parts of yourself - usually our experience is that we are EITHER connected to our mature, wise, resourced self with access to resources and power and perspective and wisdom OR we find ourselves (i.e. when triggered/stepping out of our comfort zones) in the consciousness of a younger, less resourced part of ourself overwhelmed with feelings and feeling powerless … inside a closed loop story of a limiting belief. This disempowered relationship has held us back and this Pillar is all about transforming this relationship to one of true empowerment, connection and collaboration.

With the practices below identity where you need the most support/alchemy and engage that practice until you have the practice embodied a bit more. Overtime you will be able to make the shifts taught in these practices on the spot and it will take you no time really but the practices in their full form range from 9 to 15 minutes.

The goal is for you to have these practices as resources to navigate with more ease and power the normal stuckness/breakdown that is common on a journey of growing yourself and creating something new and meaningful at the level of your heart’s deepest calling.🦋

Have your journal with you for these and your Power 1 Circle Sheet to add any nuggets to!