Sweet St. Patrick's Day Story for Young Children

Old Gnome’s Hat - St. Patrick’s Day Fun by Suzanne Down (adapted a wee bit by Dr. Monika)

Once upon a time in a place neither near nor far from here there lived a kind, wise, Old Gnome.

Old Gnome lived happily in a tiny home he had made for himself among the roots of a big spruce tree.

One day in March he woke up to the pitter patter of rain. Old Gnome peeked out his window. The rain had been falling over the land for many days turning the grass greener than ever. The beautiful grass made old Gnome smile. He was tired of being inside and decided right then and there that rain or shine he was getting outside and going for a walk!

He put on his raincoat and rain boots, and umbrella in hand he stepped outside his door.

Old Gnome was about to open his umbrella when the sun came out. ‘Lucky me!’ chuckled Old Gnome, and he set off down the walking path.

Oh how Old Gnome loved the smell of the air after a rain in spring. He looked up and saw a rainbow climbing the sky. ‘Double lucky me,’ he said and smiled a very happy smile.

Well it was just then when Old Gnome was feeling so happy and so lucky that from out of the corner of his eye he saw something move AND in a blink, someone snatched Old Gnome’s hat!

Old Gnome quickly turned this way and that, but there was no one there, and no hat to be seen.

And THAT is when Old Gnome remembered it was St. Patrick’s day. The day when leprechauns are about, and that they LOVE to play tricks on everyone.

‘Oh you trickster leprechaun,’ called out Old Gnome, ‘I know it is you!’

Then Old Gnome said to himself, ‘I know just what to do. I will fool him! I will set a trap for him and get my hat back!’

So he set to work. He went to get his shovel, a shell, and some sweet honey. He dug a big, deep hole by the old oak tree where the grasses grow tall. He found long sticks and lay them this way and that across the hole. Then he pulled up lots of the long grasses and lay them over the sticks. Now the hole was hidden! Next he filled the shell with honey, and carefully slipped it between the grass and sticks so that it sat on the bottom of the hole.

Old Gnome then went behind the tree and waited. Every now and then he would peek out to look at the hidden hole he had dug.
The sun rose high in the sky, and it was so warm sitting there by the tree that Old Gnome started to doze off and maybe even snore a little.

KERPLOP! Something made a sound and woke up Old Gnome who quickly looked around the tree at the hole he had made. ‘Help help, someone help me,’ something was calling out from the hole!

‘Aha!’ called out Old Gnome with glee! ‘Is that you Leprechaun?!’ And Old Gnome peered into the hole. Sure enough that trickster leprechaun had fallen into the hole and could not get out!

Everyone knows leprechauns LOVE honey, and this wee little fellow had followed the sweet smell and fell right into the hidden hole. Old Gnome’s plan had worked!

Old Gnome watched as the little leprechaun tried and tried to climb out of the hole, but the sides were too steep.

‘Help me Old Gnome, please, please help me!’

‘Will you give me back my hat?’ said Old Gnome.

‘Yes, anything, but help me out!’

‘You must first promise to give me my hat!’ Old Gnome insisted.

‘ Yes, I promise, I promise, now please help me out!’

Pleased as could be, Old Gnome bent over and reached his arm into the hole. Leprechaun took hold of it, and Old Gnome pulled and pulled him up till he was out of the hole. The leprechaun hugged and thanked him, and true to his promise, he ran off and soon came back with Old Gnome’s hat.

‘Thank you for that, it’s my favorite hat,’ said Old Gnome.
Then feeling a bit sorry for the little fellow, he said, ‘ come along with me to my root house. I have honey cake and tea to share with you.’

And so they went off together on the blue sky day in March, and became great friends eating lots of honey and cake and drinking peppermint tea.

Are you a woman who is a leader, teacher, health/wellness practitioner, mother or coach whose energy is focussed on supporting/empowering/teaching others to thrive? Is it easier for you to care for others than yourself at the deepest level? Are there things you desire to create but you feel stuck? Is your health where you want it?

I. am . here. to. support .you! ♥️I am a naturopathic doctor, intuitive creative and health and happiness life coach. I work holistically with caring, wise women like yourself so you can continue to do the beautiful, powerful work you are here to do from a nourished, resourced, empowered place.

We can’t become our full self by ourself. I am here to support you in recharging and reseting and avoiding burning out. We work on a physical level to restore energy , hormone balance and well-being as well as on key mindset shifts.

My intention is that you live with a level of health, calm, confidence and vitality that allows you to stay aligned with your true north and create a joy-filled life YOU are so proud of. I am deeply grateful for what you do and who you are … 🦋 xo, Dr. Monika (403) 609-8385