In building the foundations for wellness phase #1, the CLEAR phase, focusses on getting digestion, diet and detoxification dialled.

Sometimes we need to first pull in some adrenal energy support into the CLEAR phase if energy and motivation are low or there is a fair bit of stress. Getting a nutritious base supplement to support the body in dealing with the stress is sometimes quite key so you actually have the gusto to make the lifestyle changes called for in CLEAR .

Here’s a questionnaire to see where your adrenal glands are at so the adrenal support can be customized to where you are at now and help you best.

Adrenals can be out of balance in several ways and knowing where they are at and how imbalanced they are will point you to the appropriate adrenal support for you. This questionnaire helps do just that!

Adrenal Health + Naturopathic Doctor + Mama Wellness + Mama Mentor

Fill out this form and bring the results to our next consult so you can understand your symptoms and we can start to bring the stress/adrenal piece into more of a balanced, coherent, resilient state. This will impact everything (in a good way!).

Adrenal Health + Monika Herwig + Naturopathic Doctor + Mama Wellness

Are you keen to start to understand what the results point to before our visit?

I love working with clients who are interested in and empowered in their healing journey. Here’s the short cut questionnaire analysis key I use to help you start to understand ->

Restoring adrenal health and nervous system balance is a vital piece of healing and because stress is so prevalent in our lives I check to see how this foundational piece can be supported in 90% of my clients. Adrenal fatigue/burnout isn’t a quick process to rebalance as it involves changing patterns of stress in our day to day life and mindset and sustainable change takes time. Having support and accountability makes this journey much easier, enjoyable and shorter.

Getting on a nourishing adrenal supplement can be the first step in restoring your energy so you can make the lifestyle changes that will lead you back to feeling well. Connect with me if you’d like support on this. Supporting women and mothers who are thoughtful, caring and ambitious to shine their light without burning out is a growing piece of my work.

The world needs you healthy ♥️

In Joy, xo, Dr. Monika

Naturopathic Doctor + Mama Mentor + Adrenal Restore