PHASE 1 CLEAR: Basic Treatment Guidelines Overview - Healthy Habits That Enhance the Body’s Natural Processes

The ‘Basic Treatment Guidelines’ is something one of my teachers coined to talk about foundational habits we can do daily that help the body function optimally and helps us age well.

These ‘guidelines’ support digestion, detoxification through liver, kidneys, lung, and support brain and nervous system wellness.

The good news is that the more you put habits in place to detox and care for the body regularly, the better it gets at detoxing. Over time your body starts working on the backlog of wastes and toxins which is when your current and future health really get taken to the next level.

Basic treatment guidelines to improve flow and assimilation and decrease day-to-day toxic load include:

1.    Deep breathing – 108 deep breaths per day. Start with 1! We clear a lot of toxins through our lungs.

2.    Water – ensure ½ weight in pounds in ounces . Even just at 1% dehydration mental and physical performance go down. By the time you are thirsting you are 2-3% dehydrated so find a way to get into a routine with it. Starting the day with a cup of hot water is in the top 3 of the simplest healthy things you can do!

3.    Movement – walking and dancing and rebounding are the best for clearing lymph.

4.    Lymphatic support daily – did you know that there is 3-4 times as much fluid in the lymphatic system as the cardiovascular? It is the most critical system to keep moving and needs our help as it doesn’t have a pump. Any movement helps as does: ending your shower with a cold spray (terrible at first but feels amazing over time - this helps support your hormonal and lymphatic system), dry skin brushing (before shower or before bed), including castor oil packs as part of your regular self-care (while doing a guided meditation like yoga nidra or even ok during sleep). PS - Castor oil packs are my favourite health hack and I’ll share more on the awesomeness of this on another post as it deserves its own post!

5.    Nutrition – we need adequate micronutrients for the detoxification process to happen and to eat well for our particular body ie avoid foods you are sensitive to or make you feel bloated or yuck. Apple Cider Vinegar is a nice addition to your day as it turns on the digestive system – ½ - 1 tsp 15 min before meals is recommended. Eat the rainbow – 7 colours per day! Fiber is important as it helps clear toxins out of digestive tract and decreases the load on the liver.

6.    Sleep Hygiene – 7.5 – 8.5 hours – bed by 10-10:30 pm optimal. No EMF. Maintain routine. Minimum 30 minutes sunshine during the day to bring in the building blocks for melatonin and the earlier you catch those rays the better..

7.    Basic Vitamins – Multi (to have nutrients needed for detox processes to happen optimally), Vit D, Omega and Probiotics (most important).

8.    Play and Laugh – do something fun for your own pleasure/joy everyday

9.    Practice gratitude/appreciation daily.

10. Find ways to relax deeply and clear accumulated stress. A restorative activity around the 3 pm dip is fab as it’s you listening to your body and nervous system. Nap, nidra, forest walk, massage, tea, go slower, breathe deeper. Aim for a minimum 3 nervous system lovin’ self care activities per week.

 Want to learn/understand some of these basics more? Here’s a link of a teacher of mine going into the basic treatment guidelines (can listen to this while folding laundry or cooking or working out).

To you feeling your best!



Would you like some one-on-one support/health coaching? Dr. Monika Herwig ND is a naturopathic doctor and mother of 2 who has been practicing in the Rocky Mountains of Canmore Alberta for over 20 years and is available to support you with your health and life goals from a holistic, mind-body perspective.

Call (403) 609-8385 to book in with the clinic at a time that works for you. She see clients on as as needed basis but also offers 3 month naturopathic coaching programs such as one called CLEAR where she works with clients to optimize detoxification, digestion and flow in the body and mind. These programs are customized to each individual taking time to focus on the root causes of feeling great and aging well and bringing in habits in a way that is supported and sustainable.

Dr. Monika and her team also hold restorative wellness retreats for women internationally to connect women to themselves and their creativity and joy and to create space for them in self-heal and replenish. She supports women to share their gifts and shine their light while staying healthy and avoiding burning out in the process! Next retreat is at Xinalni Eco Yoga Resort in Mexico November 14-21st, 2020. for info on this.