Morning Meditation & Visualization Practice for Healing

A practice I do as part of my meditation in the morning lately is called the love wave. It is based on work by Emily Fletcher and the Buddhist Loving Kindness practice. I usually do it after I sit for 5 minutes or so.

I start by simply imagining someone I love sitting in front of me. I look into their eyes with kindness extending my loving heart to them. Really taking in the feeling, letting that feeling of  love fill me as well  as them and then seeing it ripple out. Ripple out to all the rooms in my home, then our building, our town, our province, our country, continent and all countries and beyond.

As I'm sending this out globally I let an image come to my mind of someone somewhere on the earth all of a sudden receiving this unconditional love and them all of a sudden feeling this feeling of connectedness and peace and love … maybe a little smile comes to their face.

Sometimes I will send a blessing out with it like  "May you know how deeply loved you are", "May you feel safe, loving and free", "May you see your true beauty" May peace reign in your heart and home" "May you be health and happy". Choose the ones you like that day.

If you try it this practice and have a hard time feeling a lot you could try saying "May we ..."  or "May all beings ...". Whatever feels best. FYI when you feel softer, more open and loving, cool connections happen in the brain - integrating left-right brain wholeness and putting us in self-healing mode optimizing immune function and making us more connected and clear in our actions.

May you be healthy, happy and filled with love and kindness!
xo, Dr. Monika


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