Learning Knitting Through Story 

This 8 week curriculum piece nourishes the growing child on all levels. So much of the regular curriculum can be brought into this activity.

On completion you are left with a lovely, love-filled blanket that the children can use to add more warmth in the world:  raise money with through a raffle, give to the school's Roots of Empathy baby, gift it to a pregnant staff member at the school … so many possibilities. 

The health and overall learning benefits of knitting is well-documented and researched. Knitting has the similar effects to yoga and meditation and the rhythmic-criss cross nature of it is excellent support for right-left brain integration and development. 

If you are interested in having this program in your child's school you can approach the teacher/school and purchase the curriculum directly.

 Using the Story-based Knitting Program as a base, the Grade 1 Class at OLS made two blankets as gifts for the not yet born babies of their teachers who were pregnant at the time. The gift part of the project was a surprise and the children managed to keep it that way (!) - the pride and love they emanated when presenting their blanket was … heaven. Each child completed one square and they were crocheted together to form this blanket. Huge thanks to all the parent volunteers, the mothers and grandmothers from the community and the teachers for seeing the value in this and contributing their talents and time to this.