3 Natural Ways to Balance an Irregular Cycle

In my practice I find symptoms pointing me and my client back to the basics - assessing and tweaking the quality and compatibility of the fuel you're taking in (are your food choices adding to your vitality or not?), digestion (how's your ability to break that food down?), your ability to detoxify (look at your routes of elimination to see how effective they are), stress level check and so on. Even with irregular periods I find a whole life health perspective very helpful in choosing a path of action.

Shift work, stress, peri-menopause, grief, poor sleep, thyroid/adrenal issues, hormonal imbalance - these are a few of the contributing/causative factors involved in irregular periods. The body's rhythm in part is off and hormonal homeopathic remedies taken in the certain way (as I lay out in this article) have been supportive in returning the body to  a rhythm as are herbs and cycle reconnection.

The following 3 approaches are the most common add-ons to a basic whole life health protocol where we address your overall hormonal health and nutrition:

1. Herbal Approach

Vitex (also known as Chaste Berry) is a wonderful herbal medicine for women. A favourite for infertility, PMS, PCOS and if it tests well I use it to support the return of a regular cycle. Mediherb carries my client's favourite Vitex supplement.

2. Homeopathic Medicine Approach - this is a simple, gentle way to bring back rhythm energetically

Day 1 of Cycle (First Day of Period) - Hypophysinum - The Pituitary is a Master Gland and we start with a homeopathic dose (3 pellets) here.

Day 7 - Folliculinum - the first half of the cycle is the follicular phase and focus is on estrogen - we dose this at day 7.

Day 14 - Ovarinum - at ovulation we support the ovary in her work here at mid cycle

Day 21 - Luteinum - the second half is the luteinizing phase with the focus (in a healthy state) on progesterone

3. Nature Awareness and Connection to Self:

In the big picture it's only very recently that we stopped being aware of the Moon. First Nation teachings share knowledge of the Moon's gifts during the phases from Full to New Moon and back to Full. As a woman, getting in synch with the Moon is as simple as every night before bed looking at the Moon/letting it shine in on you. In doing this practice of connecting to the Moon daily and over time you may like many women notice you are ovulating on the Full Moon and bleeding on the New Moon just like our ancestors who lived by the light of fires and the Moon - way back in time but our bodies still hold the wisdom of our connection. In working with any pelvic/hormonal imbalances I find yoga therapy and acupuncture to be powerful tools to heal and empower women to reconnect with their center, inner strength and radiance.

For more info and a chart to harness the gifts and wisdom of your menstrual cycle and moon connection check out:

Looking for a way to assess your hormonal picture from a comprehensive functional perspective? Check out my blog on the DUTCH testing for women here at:

To your health and happiness! xo, Dr. Monika


Dr. Monika Herwig ND is a Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, Yoga Nidra and Yoga Therapy Facilitator, mother of 2, and a Trailblazer with Happy Healthy Women in Canmore, Alberta. She practices Mind-Body Medicine especially around Adrenal, Gut, Hormonal and Mental Health in her clinic and leads Wellness Workshops and Retreats locally and internationally. Dr. Monika supports heart centered women shine their light and share their gifts with the world without burning out through whole life health and a functional medicine approach to wellness. She is especially passionate about supporting moms and moms-to-be and runs yearly Fairy Nature Camps for her clients’ children (and herself!). To book an appointment call (403) 609-8385 or visit our online booking through www.opentowellness.ca