“You are what you eat.” I’m guessing you’ve heard this before!

We can up level all the nutrient building blocks (fats, carbs, protein, vitamins and minerals) we take in through our diet to favour vitality, energy, mood, metabolism and hormonal balance.

Making the shift in regards to the oils we use is arguably the simplest, easiest shift of all and with tremendous positive benefits for women’s hormonal, metabolic and mental health. The shift - simply put - is away from seed oils (see below for list) to health giving, nutritious options.

Some reasons to take this shift on include:

  • Since every cell in our body has a outer covering that is made of fats the quality of the fats we take in effects every cell’s health the quality we have their impacts the all of us.

  • They disrupt our omega 6 and 3 balance with the body leaning into the inflammatory pathway in our biology and therefore contributing to inflammation which we know is counter to hormone balance

  • They tend to oxidize and go rancid quickly leaving toxic byproducts in their wake

  • Have hormonal-disrupting additives that our immune system doesn’t benefit from either

  • Increases in obesity and insulin resistance have been higher in research in those consuming diets high in seed oil

Saying a solid “yes!” to you feeling your best is saying a solid “no more!” to bringing the following seed oils into your kitchen (PS - this will benefit everyone in your home!) 💫

  1. Canola oil

  2. Safflower oil

  3. Corn oil

  4. Sunflower oil

  5. Soy oil

  6. Grapeseed oil (of all these oils grapeseed is the one that I dislike the least - it has good amounts of vitamin E and has no distinct taste so in the past (20 years ago) I’ve used it in baking but I don’t buy it anymore because of the easily available better options.

Speaking of which, here are 6 oils that add to your hormonal and whole health and some user friendly tips on them …

  1. Olive oil - cold pressed, extra virgin, organic - these are best. With alI oils I buy I prefer ones that are in glass bottles and where the manufacturer hasn’t used chemicals or heat in the extraction process. Aim to get 1-2 Tbsp daily of it to support hormonal and overall health.

  2. Organic Grass-fed Butter - I prefer ghee for those wishing to decrease inflammation

  3. Organic Ghee (LOVE!) - super easy to make on the stove top or in the oven. This is hands-down my favourite oil to bake with. It’s a great butter substitute to take camping as it doesn’t go rancid as butter would as the milk and protein present in butter has been removed in the process of making ghee.

  4. Organic Coconut oil - t’s hard to beat the price of Costco’s Organic Virgin tub of Coconut oil. I don’t love that it’s in a plastic container so to decrease the times when it gets liquid in the tub I put it in the coolest place in my kitchen. Glass would be better!

  5. Organic Flax seed oil (not for cooking but to use in dressings or on toast) * keep this oil in the fridge/freezer and never heat it up as has a low temperature where itit goes rancid easily

    I hope this helps you get a few more of the hormone savvy, healthy habits into your day so you can have the level of health you desire to feel your absolute best and thrive in your relationships and work! 🌷

    If you’re having a hard time creating a lasting change/positive shift in your health or in actually doing the things you know make sense to do, know that you are not alone. There are mindset and energy shifts that are key to identify and to align with that are gold for women who desire better health but struggle to make it happen. The barrier to your success is actually at this deeper level and until it is uncovered it can feel like you are on a loop that isn’t moving your health truly forward. As it is so common (yet not commonly addressed) my hormone and adrenal reset programs address this as needed. It is very freeing to get out of the deflating loop and feel empowered in your health and at home in your body once again! 👑

    With love, xo, Dr. Monika🦋