Time to give LIGHT the same attention we give to quality exercise and nutrition!❤️ It is AS important to consider for hormonal health and healthy metabolism. Incorporating hormone savvy light hygiene can be an easy shift to make (for most) with only a little effort compared to the benefit!

The Health of Our Circadian Rhythm Matters

In naturopathic school 25 years ago I remember a teacher asking us what client would be the most challenging to support. After naming the diseases we thought were hardest to treat my teacher gave us his answer, “shift workers”.

I was stunned but it introduced me early on in my career to the impact of our circadian rhythm on our well-being.

About Light Exposure

Light exposure has an impact on our circadian rhythm (when we wake and sleep - melatonin increasing and cortisol decreasing at night and opposite pattern as we wake) which ties directly into the quality of our sleep and all the things that are affected when that is not optimal: energy, mood, memory, focus, libido, metabolism, adrenal wellness, ability to cope with stress and hormones in general.

Cortisol, melatonin and growth hormone are a few of the key metabolism influencing hormones that are directly influenced by light. If you have a hard time getting to sleep you may have the adrenal dysfunction where cortisol is high at night when it should be low. Light hygiene is a great place to get practical about supporting your adrenals getting back to balance.✓

Why is light hygiene poor for the majority of the population nowadays?

* Simply put it’s the combo of two things: Excess “artificial/junk” light + Deficient “nutritious/natural” light. *

  1. We are exposed to many sources of artificial light: cell phones, computer screens, overhead lighting.

2. AND at the same time our natural light exposure is low (especially if we work inside during the days and more pronounced in the winter months)

Simple ways to improve light hygiene

In general, decreasing artificial light and increasing natural light is the obvious direction to go with a FOCUS on timing as being a KEY game changer in this.

Here are some tips/recommendations for the different times of day to bring this light hygiene practically into your life.

1. Morning:

Get outside in the daylight without sunglasses first thing in the morning. Make it a habit to do an activity/chore that will get you out into the natural light first thing in the morning. Some ideas are: taking the garbage or recycling out, walking your dog, going for a walk, having your tea/coffee outside on the porch or a neighbourhood bench.

2. Day:

During the day take your breaks and work activities as much as possible outside - walk to a park to have your lunch, walk with a friend at lunch, sit outside, walk and talk phone calls/meetings. The more natural light you have in the day the more ingredients you are taking in so your hormones and neurotransmitters are at optimal levels for rest and restoration at night.

3. Evening:

2-3 hours before bed set the home vibe to one of unwinding and rejuvenating. Dim your lights, put the settings on your devices on low light and wear the orange blue light glasses. Ideally set aside electronics altogether and have a list of things you like to do that are screen free and do those in the last hours before bed). My list that I chose from includes: yoga, meditation, having a bath, playing guitar, journalling, folding laundry, tidying the house, watering plants, reading, snuggling with my puppy, chatting with a friend/my kids.

4. Night:

Aim for a pitch black room for sleeping in.

Add into your bedroom: a sleep mask and blackout curtains

Take out of your bedroom: night lights, phones and TVs

I hope this helps you get a few more of the hormone savvy, healthy habits into your day so you can have the level of health you desire to thrive in your relationships and work! 🌷

If you’re having a hard time creating a lasting change/positive shift in your health or in actually doing the things you know make sense to do know that you are not alone. There are mindset shifts that are key to identify and to align with that are gold for women who desire better health but struggle to make it happen. The barrier to your success is actually at this deeper level and until it is uncovered it can feel like you are on a loop that isn’t moving your health truly forward. As it is so common (yet not commonly addressed) my hormone and adrenal reset programs address this as needed. It is very freeing to get out of the deflating loop and feel empowered in your health again! 👑

With love, xo, Dr. Monika🦋


Are you a woman who is a changemaker, teacher, healer, mother or coach whose energy is focussed on supporting others to thrive? Is it easier for you to care for others than yourself at the deepest level? Do you have dreams you aren’t realizing yet?

I. am . here. to. support .you! ♥️I am a naturopathic doctor, intuitive creative and health and happiness life coach with training in feminine power facilitation for awakening women. I work holistically with caring, wise women like yourself so you can lead from within and do the beautiful, powerful work you are here to do while feeling your absolute best physically, mentally and emotionally.

We can’t become our whole self by ourself . I am here to support you in recharging and reseting and fostering an unshakeable connection with your truest self so you can share your unique gifts and shine your light with joy, confidence and without burning out. My intention is that you live with a level of health, calm, confidence and vitality that allows you to stay aligned with your true north and create a life YOU are so proud of and nourished by. I am deeply grateful for what you do and who you are! 👑